🚀 Launched

Taskit v1.1 - Timed todosarrow_forward

A timed todo list for tracking tasks

AFK artisan keycaparrow_forward

Custom artisan keycap for AFK group

Net Present Value 101 arrow_forward

Learning about investment NPV. Prototype in HTML and React versions.


A simple website about coffee. Built with Tachyons.ioCSS library

HEX-RGB Conversionarrow_forward

A simple tool to convert HEX to RGB and vice versa

Test Mondrian CSS gridsarrow_forward

Learning about CSS grids

Filter based firewall - prototypearrow_forward

Interactive rule builder HTML/JS prototype

⚠️ Unfinished

Pacemeta app - WIP

A running app to track your training progress

Flexbox - WIP

Learning Flexbox basics based on css-tricks.comguide

Working in D3 - WIParrow_forward

Learning D3.js basics

Interactive data - WIParrow_forward

D3 + GSAP explorations

🗄️ Shelved

Company swag

Collection of company swag designs

Cloudflare design system experimentarrow_forward

Experimental page for displaying design system