Keep earning your title

July 13, 2023
Bellevue, WA

This is an active reminder to always be living in the present, it's easy to get lost in our past selves. Who we were before is only temporary, we change, grow up, adapt new behaviors, and lose old ones.

Derek brings up an example of not calling himself an entrepreneur anymore because, that who he was. He had not worked on any new startups or startup related endevors recently, so he wouldn't call himself an entreprenure.

Similarly, I haven't created any javascript projects in a long time, I wouldn't stick to the past and call myself a javascript developer. If I wanted to be a javascript developer, I would have to earn that title back. Until then, it would not be who I am.

Keep earning your title, or it expires...
...Holding on to an old title gives you satisfaction without action. But success comes from doing, not declaring.

― Derek sivers (2016)
