About me

last updated: 04/16/2024

Eric in his natural habitat

👋 Oh hey, I'm Eric!

I'm a designer with a passion for bringing ideas to life. Originally from Taiwan, I grew up in Canada and now I call the PNW (Seattle, WA) my home!

I'm constantly coming up with new ways to reinvent stuff or old techniques for the new. Lately, my learning flame has been burning bright with cooking, baking, woodworking, darkroom chemistry (it's like science/magic all-in-one!), coding, and even building circuits.

Where to find me? Probably at the local Boudering gym or taking photos on a sunny day.

🎨 I am a product designer

It all started at a young age, around 8, when I really into coloring and working on art projects. I'd spend hours crafting epic covers for school projects and obsessing over color palettes. Fast forward to college, where I went deeper into the world of design for the digital age, learning about print publication, architecture, and web design at SFU in Vancouver Canada. There, I met a whole bunch of like-minded creatives, and together we embarked on some wild startup adventures across North America!

For the past 10+ years, I've been leading design on teams building user-centered products. I design by working closely across product and engineering, translating user needs into impactful features, and building design systems for efficiency and consistency.

Previously, I designed at Ledger Investing. I focused on working with the Product team to lead the design and development of our online platforms and resources for our customers. My role involves working with Product managers to assess and spec out designs from our team’s roadmap and then reviewing and handing off the designs with our awesome engineering team.

Prior to that, I was a UX designer working at Amazon AWS for the Developer tools team. I supported multiple engineering teams, improving features like CodePipeline and CodeStar. I conducted user research, partnered with product managers, and ensured smooth design handoffs. Before that I worked at Cloudflare, as the first UX hire, I streamlined UI components and established their first design system. Working across web security, analytics, and data products, I fostered a global design presence and actively engaged the design community.

Right now, I’m looking to grow along a team that is pushing the boundaries of what impact design can have on our world today. My design goal is to help bridge the divide between design and other teams. Whether it’s building tools, systems, or process, even if the individual impact is small, at scale it can drive a real meaningful change.

📬 Let's get in touch!

  • Send me an email or click the calendely link to schedule a call and let's talk about design, photography, or whatever cool projects you're working on!

  • Check out my resumé to see all the cool stuff I've done, or look at my portfolio to see examples of my designs!